Working with us is easy.

Simply get in touch with us by phone, by e-mail or using the form below . Our office looks forward to receiving your inquiry and will be happy to make an appointment with you
. Appointments can be made either at one of our law offices or directly at your premises, if desired.

Kanzleiniederlassung Wien

Gonzagagasse 15
1010 Wien
tel: +43 1 512 77 91
fax: +43 1 512 47 15

Kanzleiniederlassung Linz

Am Winterhafen 11
4020 Linz
tel: +43 732 77 31 66
fax: +43 732 77 31 66 9

Kanzleiniederlassung Salzburg

Bürglsteinstrasse 4/3
5020 Salzburg
tel: +43 662 63 00 74
fax: +43 1 512 47 15

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