. Austrian Patent Attorneys, European Patent Attorneys

. European Patent Attorney

. Juristische Mitarbeiter

. Administration

Our firm has its head office in the heart of Vienna, and two further offices in Linz and Salzburg. Our team of patent attorneys, European Patent Attorneys, trainee patent attorneys, case workers and clerks attends to our clients’ matters every single day.
Our patent attorneys have experience in a wide range of engineering fields and represent our clients before national and international offices, courts and organisations. Moreover, with their work as court-sworn experts for the patent system, as expert lay judges at Linz Labour and Social Court, Vienna Higher Regional Court, Vienna Commercial Court and the Supreme Court, and in various functions in professional associations and institutions they also have an insight into legislation and jurisdiction at the national and international level.
Over the years our firm has also been able to establish a network of contacts with foreign colleagues, so that we can guarantee professional support for our clients virtually all over the world.
Our clients are international and national companies of every size. We represent both small and medium-sized enterprises and major corporations, and we are also pleased to have private individual inventors among our clients. We are proud to offer every single one of our clients personal support, and we are pleased that almost all of our clients reward our work with years of loyalty.
Our strength lies in the all-round support for our clients, starting with consulting in the area of research and development, comprising the drafting and filing of patent, utility model, trademark and design applications, as well as the subsequent conduct of proceedings before the competent offices, right through to the granting and registration of property rights and their assertion against third parties. The early involvement in research and development matters helps to avoid double inventions and to identify the risk of an infringement of existing property rights at an early stage. At the same time, further potential of the invention is to be identified and an individual and comprehensive protection strategy developed and implemented in collaboration with our clients
. Our goal is to be on hand with advice in all issues of industrial property rights for our clients in every phase, and in the end to hand over a product (namely the respective property right) that will lend our clients an edge over their competitors.
For this purpose, we can offer our clients personal appointments at each of our offices in Vienna, Linz or Salzburg, but we are also happy to support our innovative clients directly on site when required.
Since its foundation in the year 1937, our firm has had its head office in the first district of Austria’s capital, first in Singerstraße and since 2019 in Gonzagagasse 15. The proximity to the Austrian Patent Office, Vienna Commercial Court, which is the venue for patent infringement proceedings, the courts of second and third instance as the forum for appeal proceedings (Vienna Higher Regional Court and the Supreme Court) makes Vienna an ideal location for a patent attorney firm. With the good connections to Vienna Airport, the sub-offices of the European Patent Office in Munich, Berlin and Den Haag as well as its Boards of Appeal are also easy to reach in the case of oral proceedings.
In the year 2007, a further office was opened in Linz, making it easier for our clients in Upper Austria and Upper Styria to reach us
. The office in Linz is located at the address Am Winterhafen 11 and is managed mainly by patent attorney Pfandler.
Our firm also has an office in Salzburg at the address Bürglsteinstrasse 4/3 since 2011, which is managed mainly by patent attorney Henhapel. The Salzburg office makes it considerably easier in particular for our clients from the west of Austria to reach us.
We are happy to offer personal consultations in any of our three offices, but always by prior appointment.
As Austrian patent attorneys, European Patent Attorneys, European Trademark Attorneys und European Design Attorneys we are happy to represent you in proceedings before the following national and international authorities and courts:
- Austrian Patent Office (ÖPA)
- European Patent Office (EPA)
- European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO)
- Plant Variety Protection Office (Federal Office for Food Safety)
- Vienna Higher Regional Court (OLG) – in appeal proceedings against decisions by the Austrian Patent Office
Together with a lawyer, we also represent clients before the following courts:
- In matters of patent law before all courts
- In patent infringement proceedings before Vienna Commercial Court (HG Wien)
- In patent infringement proceedings before Vienna Higher Regional Court (OLG Wien)
We handle all our clients’ matters with utmost confidentiality as a matter of course.
Like lawyers, patent attorneys are bound to secrecy by law, and pursuant to Section 17 Patent Attorneys Act they may even refuse to testify as a witness before civil courts and before the administrative authorities in this respect.